February 5, 2016 (New York, NY) Finally, there is something the food world and fashion world can agree on: eating is overrated, it is all about appearances. Rather than invite Instagrammers into their restaurants to view their newest dishes, top NYC Chefs have decided to conduct runway shows to make sure their food is presented in the best lighting, and that everyone can snap the perfect picture.
Social media influencers have become increasing more important to the the hospitality industry, just as the the disturbance they cause to the dining process has become unbearable. Harsh lights, manipulation of dishes and standing on chairs has led to the creations of the more suitable forum of food fashion shows to achieve the goals of proper food photography, in order to satisfy the hunger of an insatiable Instagram audience for a never-ending supply of noodle pulling, egg yolks and dripping melted cheese.
The physical set-up of the food fashion shows will mimic that of traditional fashion runway shows, with the most coveted positions being in the photographer’s pit and the front rows. The food will be prepared and adjusted to ensure maximum photo value, regardless of how the dish is meant to be eaten. Real “foodie” Instagrammers know that temperature, taste and intended presentation are just after-thoughts of what a dish is meant to be, so the runway show eliminates the need for pesky details like flavor. Often unbothered with the experience of actually consuming thoughtfully prepared dishes, the fashion shows will allow a more efficient means of exploring food for those Instagrammers striving to attend as many events in one day as possible.
Top trends for this Spring 2016 presentation that we can expect to see on the runways are the following:
-Large format milkshakes that will take “ice cream couturiers” over 15 hours to construct and will feature 100,000 sprinkles hand-placed with tweezers and donut/muffin/croissant hybrids floating on top
-Pizza sandwiches filled with burgers, nachos, and waffles
-Fried chicken stuffed meatballs topped with a runny egg
Instagrammers will be awarded access on a lottery basis, so please apply ASAP on www.unbuttoningpants.com